Parable of the Arisen Ones, from before the Darkness: Two tall, shining cities stand on the shore against the dark, rising tide. The surf pulls at the walls, ripping them apart piece by piece, stone by stone. Believing the walls to be sabotaged by their neighbor, the cities wage a war of conquest and desperation. As the tides rose, the golden cities slowly crumble from the weight of the water. The desperate war rages between them for years, their towers burning brightly in the night. One day, the walls crumble under the weight of the mighty waves. The cities drown, still calling for the blood of their brothers who wronged them. They did not see the light their brothers could bring them. <<<<<<< Background (Present Day): The __ are a race obsessively focused on the return of the Endless. They focus on bringing their nation together with all other races to prepare for this Return. They believe it will bring disaster to the galaxy on a scale unknown since the Endless War. Once willing servants to the Endless, they were betrayed by the Virtuals/Concrete during the Endless War. Infighting (whether due to Endless meddling or their own doing) destroyed any chance the __ had of fighting back. They were reduced to a primitive race technologically, and were forced to give up the stars by the Endless. Economic Policy: The __ are masters of dust. Even through their exile, they retained the knowledge of Dust from the Endless. This gives them an established edge over other races, and validates their position as galactic peacemakers. For them, Dust isn't just a currency. It is a symbol of unity, both within their borders and among the races of the galaxy. Dust encourages the __, improving their outlook and motivating the individuals in their society. Their affinity for Dust also gives their corporations an advantage in trade deals. Scientific Policy: The __ are keen to discover new technologies with which to greet the Endless. Either in war or in peace, they wish to advance their scientific progress to its limits. They do not shirk from the technology the Endless used to destroy their own civilization. It is but a tool, not an end but a means. Military/War Policy: The __ hold to no illusions of appeasement or good intentions. Despite their outward appearance of pacifism, they retain a strong defensive military to prevent unwanted incursions. After all, in a universe with aggressive, unreasonable races like the Cravers, no amount of diplomacy will stop a missile. Always on the __'s minds is the imminent return of the Endless. The Military Faction is always ready to do battle with the Endless should they return to the galaxy with a thirst for power. The three main Schools (or Parties): Military - They believe the Endless' Return will be one of conquest, and seek to reinforce the military's might to combat the threat. Science - They believe the Endless' Return will be one of knowledge and harmony, and wish to advance the __ technology to the point where the Endless would consider them their equal. Pacifist - They believe the Endless' Return will be one of judgement, and they seek to unite the galaxy and meet the Endless without the blemish of war.