----- Stuck while passing turn. ----- 2 active battles in the last snapshot. 1 battles in the Presentation Battle report controller. --- Battle status --- Presentation Battle 19132 with current State ContenderRound ActionType RoundAcknowledge. CurrentActionIndex 89 of 91: - [89] RoundAcknowledge - [90] UpdateBattleUnitsLockingOrderIndex - [91] UpdateBattleUnitsLockingOrderIndex ----------------------------------------------- IsWaitingForActionEnd : - ContenderRound not finished. IsContenderRoundFinished : - IsWaitingForEndOfRound: True. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#7. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#7. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - fighting (Pending) 'PresentationPawn(Clone)' of empire#1. - FightSequenceInProgress. --- Choreography --- [PresentationChoreography] Attacker 19134 choreography did not end correctly: Action[0] Ended WaitMoveStart Att 0 [3110.94/3110.94/3110.94/222025] Action[1] Ended PrepareToBeCharged Def 0 [3110.94/3110.94/3110.94/222025] Action[2] Ended WaitForPawnsAvailability Both 0 [3110.94/3110.94/3110.94/222025] Action[3] Running FaceEnemy Att 30.01 [3110.94/3110.94/3140.96/222025] Action[4] Created MeleeFightSequence Att 0 [3110.94/0/0/0] Action[5] Created MeleePostFightSequence Att 0 [3110.94/0/0/0] -----------------------------------------------